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<a href="/en/variety/sweet-love">Sweet Love</a> from Philosopher Seeds

Strain detail:
Strain: <a href="/en/variety/sweet-love">Sweet Love</a>
Seed type: Regular
Autoflowering: No
Flowering day: 0
Climate condition: Anywhere
Yield plant: 0
Profile description: To create Sweet Love, the popular Juanita la Lagrimosa from Reggae Seeds was crossed with Tropimango male by Philosopher Seeds, which adds sweetness, structure and stability. Undoubtedly, the result is gaining attention for its interesting organoleptic and therapeutic properties. Sweet Love is a large plant which develops a main central bud and shorter side branches, looking like a Christmas tree. Its growth is vigorous and uniform, so Philosopher Seeds recommend using around 12 plants per m2 to enhance lateral branching. 20/25 plants can also be grown in the same space with the SOG technique, thus encouraging the development of the main stem. Oudoors, and if discretion is needed, the height of Sweet Love can be controlled by using pots of smaller capacity. In this case we should germinate the seeds in late spring or during the first 3 weeks of summer. The organoleptic properties of Sweet Love are well known by many growers, with sweet notes that become more intense during the curing process. Philosopher Seeds recommend at least two weeks of curing to fully enjoy its potential. The 1.5:1 THC:CBD ratio of Sweet Love was one of the reasons it was awarded as best cannabis strain against pain at 2013 Growmed – BESFES.  

Independent & Certified Tests:
This strain has no independent and certified test yet.

Public Tests:
This strain has no public test yet.