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Kilimanjaro from World of Seeds

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Strain detail:
Strain: Kilimanjaro
Seed type: Regular
Autoflowering: No
Phenotype: Pure Sativa
Announced yield: 88 (g)
Flowering day: 0
Climate condition: Anywhere
Yield plant: 0
Profile description: An early flowering, pure African sativa from the Kenyan slopes of Kilimanjaro, this strain is the result of generations of crossbreeding by the native population, although it’s been stabilized in the meantime in order to improve some of its properties such as resin production, while leaving its main qualities and taste intact. The natives call this marijuana strain “the elephant flattener” and use its stimulating and trippy effects in their religious ceremonies and for hunting. One of the best strains for growing outdoors or in greenhouses, it produces solid buds even under adverse conditions, has a pleasant citrusy taste and is very strong. Very branchy structure and a vigorous grower, it may grow taller than 2.5 m high, resulting in very good resin yields.

Independent & Certified Tests:
This strain has no independent and certified test yet.

Public Tests:
This strain has no public test yet.