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<a href="/en/variety/critical-1">Critical</a>

Strain detail:
Seedbanks that offer <a href="/en/variety/critical-1">Critical</a>
Seed type: Regular
Autoflowering: No
Profile description: There are always lots of requirements to fill when deciding which strain to grow: strength, yield, flavor, ease of growth, suitability to climate etc. There is one marijuana plant that tries to bring together all these features in a perfect balance in order to produce the ultimate crop with abundance of buds, a short flowering period and a good taste. Critical by RQS is an indica-dominant plant, which is shown in its small size, staying below 1 meter tall. It has a short internode spacing, which will eventually fill up with buds. Its small height also makes it suitable for those looking to grow in small spaces, for the more discreet growers. Grown outdoors, it prefers a warmer climate such as in Spain, Italy or California. Due to its relatively short flowering time, it can be grown in more northern latitudes (UK, Netherlands); however, it will not reach its full potential as it would indoors. No other plant from Royal Queen Seeds will yield in 7 weeks as feminized Critical. Its short flowering time makes it suitable for growers with a tight schedule. Growers will be pleased with the results in sea/screen of green operations as it delivers a large number of buds with very little maintenance.

Independent & Certified Tests:
This strain has no independent and certified test yet.

Public Tests:
This strain has no public test yet.