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<a href="/en/variety/serious-6">Serious 6</a>

Strain detail:
Seedbanks that offer <a href="/en/variety/serious-6">Serious 6</a>
Seed type: Regular
Autoflowering: No
Profile description: Serious 6 was created as an almost pure sativa with a very short flowering time by mixing genetics from Canada with sativa landraces from Africa. It is a vigorous plant, very mold-resistant and will finish very early outdoors, from the middle to end of September, even in a humid and cold climate. Serious Seeds advises to not start the seeds indoor before April 15th to prevent early onset of flowering and revegging when the plants are put outside too early. Flowering indoors is only recommended to expert growers, as a tiny portion of the plants can have hermaphroditic tendencies (2 out of 100 plants are stress-sensitive to light stress). Outdoors under natural light that is no problem, Serious 6 grows tall and slender with full buds, only a few small leaves and a particularly thick layer of crystals. Half of the plants will show beautiful pink pistils. At the end of flowering purple colors may show in the flowers. The unique aroma of Serious 6 is amazing and cannot be compared to other varieties, it is built up in layers; citric, anise, spicy are only a few of the recognizable aromas.

Independent & Certified Tests:
This strain has no independent and certified test yet.

Public Tests:
This strain has no public test yet.