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<a href="/en/variety/somango-xl">Somango XL</a>

Strain detail:
Seedbanks that offer <a href="/en/variety/somango-xl">Somango XL</a>
Seed type: Regular
Autoflowering: No
Profile description: Loved for its sweet taste and fruity scent, Somango has been dubbed “the beast” after years of popularity and critical acclaim on the internet. The strain earned its name because it has a satisfying and fruity flavor that is reminiscent of tropical mangos. It was created by breeding two of the RQS’ most productive and robust plants available, Somango and Critical 47. This hybrid has been tested on a massive scale. Feminized Somango has a genetic blend of 25% sativa and 75% indica. The plant grows in a very condensed shape while maintaining a sense of beauty and elegance. It reaches a petite maximum of 100 centimeters tall when grown indoors, making it perfect for those who desire a smaller plant. When given the chance to flourish outdoors, it can stretch up to 200 centimeters tall. It sports numerous hardy branches that produce robust buds. Mature plants have leaves with silky purple hues and buds that are dusted with a fine coat of crystals. It is recommended that you give this plant about 9 weeks to reach its full flowering potential. Some growers have found that the plant will finish flowering and can be harvested as early as in 8 weeks. When growing your plant outdoors, the harvest time occurs at the end of September. It has been hailed by many as a great plant for new growers as well as seasoned ones. The plant is quite hardy and is widely considered to be quite easy to maintain. Despite its tendency to be generally enduring, its penchant for growing in a compact manner coupled with the massive size of the buds creates a dense foliage that must be given special care. Carefully controlling the humidity in which it is grown should prevent mold and provide for a healthy plant that will continue to deliver great buds.

Independent & Certified Tests:
This strain has no independent and certified test yet.

Public Tests:
This strain has no public test yet.