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<a href="/en/variety/sweet-deep-grapefruit">Sweet Deep Grapefruit</a>

Strain detail:
Seedbanks that offer <a href="/en/variety/sweet-deep-grapefruit">Sweet Deep Grapefruit</a>
Seed type: Regular
Autoflowering: No
Profile description: Sweet Deep Grapefruit is an Indica-Sativa hybrid developed to boost its aromatic qualities to a maximum and provide a sweet, fruity, slightly acid taste. Fast flowering is due to the influence of the indica genotype characteristics in this hybrid. Whereas, we can clearly see its sativa ascendancy in its aspect, in the psychoactive effects it produces -a physical and cerebral mixture- and in the complexity of its taste. The “Blue” influence is noticeable in the colour some of the plants acquire, violet, purple, reddish, more intense in outdoor harvests due to the colder temperature, as well as in the vigorous harvest, which multiplies quickly. It is important to maintain the height of the plants under control at all times in indoor cultivation. The high is fairly strong, combined with noticeable quantities of CBD, therefore producing a mixed effect.

Independent & Certified Tests:
This strain has no independent and certified test yet.

Public Tests:
This strain has no public test yet.