My Info

Result #1151


Test type Potency
Cbd rate (%) 14.00
Cbn rate (%) 0.00
Thc rate (%) 29.50
Thcv rate (%) 17.50
Cbg rate (%) 15.50
Cbc rate (%) 13.50
Created April 11, 2022, 6:15 a.m.

Sample info

Name Sample Extract Assocation Maranhão
Sample type Extract (Extract)
Sample picture
Is home made Yes
Use purpose Medical
Sample was destroyed Yes
Batch /It's user's identifier/ Unfilled

Test Made at UFPI for Asafe Castro, a HC holder. The strains are hibrids 

Seed bank Unfilled
Supplier Unfilled
Producer Unfilled
Created April 11, 2022, 6:13 a.m.

Sample profile

General quality score /From 1 (bad) to 10 (good)/ 8
Strain type Dominant Sativa
Aroma score Mild
Extraction technique Alcohol
Made from material Buds
Solventless Yes
Strain Unfilled
Expected result 50%-100%
Flavor Bitter
Effect type /From 0 to 10 (Sedative to energizing)/ Unfilled
Effect score /From 0 to 10 (nothing to pass out)/ Unfilled